SWE held the suppliers meeting of year 2017
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- Feb 26,2018

On 27th,January of 2018,Hongshi company held the summarymeeting for the suppliers of year 2017.The executive chairman ,Mr.Liu jin xianhave been invited to attend the meeting.
On themeeting,the general manager,Mr.Hu yonggen started the summary meeting with theannual management summary of year 2017.Mr.Hu made an impressed comments forHongshiof year 2017 and especially for the work of Hongshi’s suppliers. Also expressedthat our achievement and future development could not succeed without oursuppliers’ cooperation.And expressed sincere appreciation for all oursuppliers.Hope all our suppliers could be united as one and continue to developtogether in the future.
In the review of year 2017,Mr.Hu expressed that we should analyze ourexisted problems and find the solutions of these problems,then challenge thesevere market situation of year 2018.Each department of the company pointed outthe existed problems of suppliers and analyzed these problems together.Meanwhile,wecommended the excellent cooperated supplier and the best one.
At the end of meeting,the executive chairman,Mr.Liu made aremarkable speech.He expressed a sincere gratitude to the suppliers.Hope allsuppliers could keep up our step and unite as one to make a win-win situationin the future.Also he commended that all our work of each staffs and wish wecould continue to work together to make a beautiful future for our company. Wishour company could combine the soft strength and hard strength of the brand tobring more high-end and ultimate quality experience to the customers.